We are solutions implementation specialists with 100 plus years of experience in the Workforce Management, Human Capital Management, and Organisational Design disciplines. Our experienced and certified team of consultants deliver end-to-end, robust solutions which span a wide range of architectures, technologies, platforms, and devices.
LabourGenie.net is a dedicated team of workforce and human capital solutions implementation specialists with over 100 years of cumulative workforce experience. Our in-depth domain experience within the retail, aviation, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, and logistics industries allow for us to provide solutions that save you both time and money no matter the size or type of industry.
Workforce management, human capital management, organisational design and access control are complex problems that most businesses face daily. We look to provide a helping hand, in the form of solutions, to meet the challenges of legislative compliance, misinterpretation of internal policies and procedures, high absenteeism levels, excessive overtime costs, and the misuse of leave. We aim to maximise your bottom line through keeping every customer, and every employee engaged.


We strive to create a sustainable business so that we may continue to add value to all our stakeholders, investors, customers, leadership and employees. Giving back is also fundamental to our goals, and as such our Corporate Social Responsibility Programme includes, skill development, outreach programmes and continued learning and education.
Employee Attraction and Retention

It is a key goal that LabourGenie.Net attracts the most competent and skilled employees within the workforce management space. The strategy is to create an environment where all our employees are developed, mentored, and experience a high-performance growth path during their time with LabourGenie.net.
Customer Service

Customers are the driving force within our business model. We ensure that we will always have the best skill, knowledge, and expertise to deliver valuable services with measurable results that yield tangible benefits.
Every customer, every employee, engaged.
To help our customers achieve a highly productive, effective and competitive workforce by facilitating an environment of happy employees which translates to happy customers. Happy Employees + Happy Customers = Greater Profitable Returns [HE + HC = GPR].
We are dynamic, optimistic, bold, and innovative. We fervently fight for success and enthusiastically pursue all that has proven to be successful. We will embrace new ideas, challenges, and knowledge; and strive for excellence in every area of our business. We assume responsibility for our actions and ensure that these actions are all always carried out with only the noblest of intentions. We work in mutual respect and appreciation with and for our customers.